Sunday 12 March 2017

Nanni on speed

17th March 2017

A new endeavour - as if my life didn't have enough going on... I thought I'd try and write a page a day about what I do etc...

I woke up and had a very peaceful meditation this morning, after listening to a Pema Chodron talk.  Just very still posture, quiet mind.  I wonder what difference a proper meditation teacher would make?

Went over to M & A's for A's birthday this morning.  A little awkward, I felt riven with doubt as ever, but wanted to go, didn't want to be left out.  So I went.  Late, to show that I wasn't 100% keen on going.  A cooked up a storm of breakfast.  M burnt her hand on an overn dish whilst trying to protect Ma from getting too close to the cooker.  I let A go to her first, but felt he took too long.  I went into the kitchen and encouraged her to hold her hand under cold water for a longer period.  But she didn't like the cold.  B quiet, Be as she often is, a bit antsy.  (or so it seemed to me)

Went off tutoring and that was a pure unalloyed pleasure!  Asif keen, willing.  Akis much better today.  Tried harder, put some more into it all.  Mum was very happy and grateful - why doesn't she offer the poor parched tutor a cup of something if she's so happy????

Drove home and worked in the garden for the afternoon - in the drizzle.  Cleared most of the back and had a lovely idea for a mini patio to catch the summer sun.  Will order sand this week and dig it out!  Got to get cracking by 23rd April for the meeting here.

Meditation didn't happen - Julie not well... me a bit tired after Sturday's efforts which unfortunately will not get published here, as it happened the day before.  I did think of going to see her, but I was tiiired so ended up sitting on sofa instead.  I did go and feed the cat however, though he wasn't there.  Spent the evening channel hopping to no purpose.  Could have done this instead.  I have this feeling I deserve a special treat after the hard work.  But for all the pleasure it gives me I could much easier done something a bit more creative and rewarding.  Now sitting in bed feeling slight indigestion from Nytol.